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Katherine M. Kennedy

Do You Have To Read To Write? A Hopefully Unnecessary Argument For Reading
If you aren't reading, you can't write, or you can write, but likely not well.

I Let GrammarlyGO AI Re-Write One Of My Posts
While researching for an article on GrammarlyGO AI, I got the AI writer to re-write one of my previous posts, Grammarly The Good.

GrammarlyGO AI Text Generation— A Review Written By A Human
AI writing tools have entered that chat. How does GrammarlyGO AI stack up?

Why Is Writing So Darn Hard?
Writing shouldn't be hard. It should be easy. Have a thought; jot it down. Where lies the complexity? But it is hard. It's so hard that it m

Not Like Other Girls. Not Like Other Boys? A Rant
There is very little on the internet about Not Like Other Boys. Is that because the trope doesn't exist? Are all boys like other boys?

Not Like Other Girls. Confused and Imperfect, Writing Female Characters.
the Not Like Other Girls girl is chosen not because of who she is, but because of who she isn’t. And who she isn’t, is a feminine girl.

Harry Potter, POV, and the Philosopher's Head Hopper
J.K Rowling, by constructs of the writing rules, head hops. She doesn't switch perspectives; she simply falls into another perspective.

Rick And Morty, S6E7—Writing Tropes, Retcons, And Story Lords
I love a good refusal of the call

Do We Need To Rescue the Rick and Morty Writers from an Existential Decline? S6E7
I like Rick and Morty, nay, I love Rick and Morty. I was there from the beginning defending my love of a cartoon to all and sundry. I was...

Content Writing Research. Is it Important? And How To Get It Right.
Jump Ahead: Do Search Engines Prefer well-Researched Content? Why Inaccurate, Misleading Misinformation Just Plain Sucks 10 Top Tips to...

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