Do You Have To Read To Write? A Hopefully Unnecessary Argument For ReadingIf you aren't reading, you can't write, or you can write, but likely not well.
I Let GrammarlyGO AI Re-Write One Of My PostsWhile researching for an article on GrammarlyGO AI, I got the AI writer to re-write one of my previous posts, Grammarly The Good.
GrammarlyGO AI Text Generation— A Review Written By A HumanAI writing tools have entered that chat. How does GrammarlyGO AI stack up?
Pros, Cons, and Recommendations From A Die-Hard Pantser WriterThere are two main types of authors: Plotters and Pantsers. A pantser writes, “by the seat of their pants.” i.e., they don’t plan, plot or o
8 Questions You Need To Answer Before You Start Writing Your BookThere are some elements of writing advice, like the hatred of adverbs, that, while good to know, are not essential. Others are more importan
Why You Should Edit As You Write Your Book.Don't edit as you write is excellent advice. Advice that I found almost impossible to follow. And when I did follow it while writing my seco