The Damsel In Distress—Why Female Protagonists Are Still Stuck In A TowerThe Damsel In Distress is Still Stuck In A Tower, But Now She Has a Sword
8 Questions You Need To Answer Before You Start Writing Your BookThere are some elements of writing advice, like the hatred of adverbs, that, while good to know, are not essential. Others are more importan
What Is Third person Limited/ Close Third?In third person limited the POV of the story follows one character at a time. The narrator has a limited perspective on the story.
Third Person POV—An OverviewWhen a narrative is relayed to the reader through the pronouns he, she, and they, and/ or by the character name, you are in third person POV
British Or American English? Which is Right for Your Writing?British V American English. The battle has begun.
Answering Reddit Questions: How to Describe What Your Character Looks Like In First Person POV?I'm a big Reddit fan, not the dodgy side, obviously, but the normal, helpful, lovely person side. I'm what would be considered a...
13 Practical Things You Need To Know Before You Start Writing a BookThis time I’m focusing on more practical elements like grammar, writing programs, research, and editing.
The Magic of Head Hopping. Pure Evil Or Switching POV?Head hopping is the negative term for a switch in perspective without warning or adhering to writing rules and the narrative and POV...
Everything You Need To Know About Second Person Point Of ViewWhat is POV? What is Second Person POV? First, Second, and Third POV Pronouns Why Is Second Person POV So Confusing? Second Person POV...