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Katherine M. Kennedy

Show, Don't Tell Means Fewer Words, Not More
Show, don't tell too often means every angry person must clench their fists and scowl; every sad person must weep.

The Damsel In Distress—Why Female Protagonists Are Still Stuck In A Tower
The Damsel In Distress is Still Stuck In A Tower, But Now She Has a Sword

When To Use Filter Words In Your Writing
When should you use filter words in your writing, and why?

Getting Rid Of Filter Words in Your Writing
Filter words are words that filter the perceptions of the character, they are often redundant and can litter up the your writing, making it

Writing And Story Tropes That Need To Die
A trope is a narrative tool utilized by storytellers to build a narrative and convey a story.

Rick And Morty, S6E7—Writing Tropes, Retcons, And Story Lords
I love a good refusal of the call

The Strange and Wonderful World of Writer Vocabulary
To be updated at my leisure as additional vocabulary occurs to me (or you). Authorial intent, MacGuffins, POVs, narrative structures,...

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