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Katherine M. Kennedy

Writing And Story Tropes That Need To Die
A trope is a narrative tool utilized by storytellers to build a narrative and convey a story.

British Or American English? Which is Right for Your Writing?
British V American English. The battle has begun.

You Don’t Need to Avoid ‘Said’ When Writing Dialogue.
The new writer will naturally freak out that they have written 'said' too many times in their manuscript. 'She said,' 'he said,' 'they said.

Answering Reddit Questions: How to Describe What Your Character Looks Like In First Person POV?
I'm a big Reddit fan, not the dodgy side, obviously, but the normal, helpful, lovely person side. I'm what would be considered a...

Crutch Words, The Um, So Actually. Crutch Words Aren't Evil, So What Are They?
The tippiest of top writing tips I ever got was from the YouTuber Alexa Donne. She advised that writers keep a list of crutch words, and...

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